Scams in Vietnam!

Vietnam is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage and vibrant economy. Unfortunately, like any other country, it also has its fair share of scams that unsuspecting travelers or residents fall prey to. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most common scams in Vietnam today.

Cyclo or “Xich Lo” (Prounounced Sik-lo) used to be very popular in Vietnam but it is history now.

  1. Taxi Scams One of the most common scams in Vietnam is taxi scams. These scams involve taxi drivers taking longer routes to increase the fare or tampering with the taxi meter to show a higher fare. To avoid this scam, it is best to use a reputable taxi company or use ride-hailing apps like Grab or Go-Viet.

  2. Money Exchange Scams Another common scam in Vietnam is the money exchange scam. In this scam, currency exchange shops will give you a lower exchange rate than the actual exchange rate or charge a high commission. To avoid this scam, it is best to exchange money at authorized banks or use ATMs.

  3. Hotel Scams Hotel scams are also quite common in Vietnam. This scam involves hotel staff telling you that your reserved room is not available and then offering you a more expensive room. To avoid this scam, it is best to make a reservation in advance and confirm it before arriving at the hotel.

  4. Motorbike Rental Scams Many tourists rent motorbikes to explore Vietnam. However, some rental companies may try to scam you by renting you a bike with mechanical issues or damage and then charging you for the repair costs. To avoid this scam, it is best to rent from reputable companies and thoroughly inspect the bike before renting it.

  5. Tourist Scams Tourist scams are also quite common in Vietnam. These scams involve individuals or groups approaching tourists and offering to take them on a tour, but then taking them to a shop or restaurant where they are charged an exorbitant amount for products or services. To avoid this scam, it is best to book tours with reputable companies and do some research beforehand.

  6. Pickpocketing Scams Pickpocketing is a common problem in many tourist destinations, including Vietnam. Pickpockets often work in teams, with one person distracting the victim while the other steals their belongings. To avoid this scam, it is best to keep your belongings close to you and avoid carrying large amounts of cash.

In conclusion, while Vietnam is a beautiful country to visit, it is important to be aware of these common scams. By being vigilant and doing your research, you can avoid falling victim to these scams and enjoy your time in Vietnam.