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Com tam is one of the favorite special dishes of South Vietnamese in general and Saigonese in particular. 

Vietnam's street food creates a colorful and special culinary culture. If they said that Pho is the outstanding dish when referring to the capital Hanoi, com tam is the outstanding dish when referring to Saigon. If you go to Saigon without trying Saigonese rice dishes, your trip will not be complete. Just a dish, but it has made Saigon and the quintessence of Saigon in the delicious taste of the plate of com tam.

About Com tam 

Com tam has the main ingredient is broken rice. Broken rice is broken rice grains that were previously only eaten by poor families. But in the past 10 years, broken rice has become familiar to Saigonese.

Later, com tam was known and loved by many people. Com tam is served on clean plates, using a spoon and fork to eat. And to have a delicious Saigonese rice dish, the cook must be extremely skillful and delicate so that the flavors are fully blended together because there are many accompanying dishes.

Saigonese rice dish is eaten with grilled ribs, skin, egg rolls, fried onions, and sour vegetables, especially mixed fish sauce. In particular, grilled ribs are the main dish of com tam. The ribs must be marinated for about 6 hours before grilling. Usually, the cook will grill directly on a charcoal stove to bring out the fullest flavor of com tam when eaten with hot grilled ribs.

The grilled ribs (Source:

Nuoc mam (fish sauce) is an important part to make the delicious taste of com tam. Nuoc mam has a salty, sweet, and spicy taste. Depending on the taste of each region, the taste of nuoc mam can be adjusted accordingly. But nuoc mam is the soul of broken rice. Com tam is really an attractive, delicious, and extremely nutritious culinary dish.

Nuoc mam (Source:

Com tam- The flavor recreates Saigon life

Com tam became familiar to the people of Saigon since no one knew. Com tam appears frequently in daily life. Com tam  is present in every street and alley in Saigon. From luxurious places to popular places, from restaurants to roadside eateries, com tam is always ready to serve your meal.

People choose com tam for all meals. Saigonese can eat com tam in the morning, noon, evening and even… late at night. Or simply when they are very hungry or wondering to choose a dish, they choose com tam. Just walking on the street, you can see a lot of places cooking com tam. Because it is a favorite dish and represents Saigonese. Saigonese love and take great pride in their com tam.

Saigonese rice dish (Source:

When eaten com tam, it will be served with many side-dishes. Each side-dish is different but the taste will not be complete without one. That symbolizes Saigon where a lot of people from different regions live. Everyone who is different but living together in Saigon becomes a Saigonese. We live in harmony, happiness, help each other, love each other like a plate of broken rice.

Com tam appears everywhere in Saigon, no matter where and when. This is the characteristic of Saigon: a busy, sleepless Saigon but simple and warm Saigon. Com tam is associated with the life of Saigonese. Therefore, no matter where you go, when you see com tam, you think of Saigon. Wherever you live, you will remember Saigon.

Some suggestions for Com Tam in Saigon

Saigon Bui com tam

Address: 100 Thach Thi Thanh, Tan Dinh Ward, District 1, HCMC

As a famous restaurant in Saigon, Saigon Bui com tam has many branches in the districts.

Sai Gon Bui com tam has other unique side- dishes such as ga ac eggs, bitter melon soup,... Especially the grilled ribs here are honey grilled ribs and grilled ribs with salt and pepper. Besides, the restaurant also has ѕpare ribѕ to eat with.

Saigon Bui com tam (Source:

Phuc Loc Tho com tam

Address: 256, Nguyen Duy Trinh Street, Binh Trung Tay Ward, District 2, HCMC

Phuc Loc Tho com tam has been sold for more than 10 years. The price here is reasonable, so it has become a familiar place for many people and families.

Besides grilled ribs, Phuc Loc Tho broken rice is served with grilled chicken and five-spice side dishes. Grilled ribs here are cooked in a separate traditional way, so the taste is also very special.

Phuc Loc Tho com tam (Source:

Com tam 135

Address: 135 Doan Van Bo Street, District 4, HCMC

Com tam 135, especially the amount of food included in the plate of rice is very much. With a variety of side dishes for you to choose from, a plate of com tam at Com tam 135 is considered to be of good quality.

Com tam 135 is open from 16:00PM to 4:00 AM the next day to serve dinner and late-night meals for Saigonese. A plate of nutritious rice will replenish your energy.

Com tam 135 (Source: grabfood)

Nowaday, everyone can easily find delicious food. But com tam always has a special place for Saigonese. Com tam  always appears in the choice of most people. And Saigonese rice dish is always a dish that Saigonese are proud to introduce to their international friends.

Com tam is a simple but extremely delicate dish. Com tam is full of culinary, aesthetic and cultural values. With com tam, we both see Saigon and feel Saigon. Saigonese remember com tam as the taste of their homeland. Anyone who comes to Saigon should try to eat com tam and make sure that anyone will never forget this unique taste.

Have you tried com tam yet? Share your experience with us!

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