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Address: No.7 Lam Son Congregation, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC

The Saigon Opera House with a history of hundreds of years of development is considered as the "cradle of art" in the locality. The building is a fine example of palatial French architecture. With the surrounding green color and the wide boulevard, the Saigon Opera House has a strange European style. The blending of East-West culture and wonderful layers of meaning makes the Saigon Opera House not just a simple architecture. The Saigon Opera House is as beautiful as a picture of an artistic dream.

 Saigon Opera House in the middle of Saigon (Source:

History of Saigon Opera House

After the French captured Gia Dinh citadel in 1863, the French brought the first singing troupe from the country to perform for Saigon officials, officers and soldiers. Initially, the performances were held at La Grandière's wooden house at the Clock Square (Place de l'Horloge) on the corner of present-day Nguyen Du-Dong Khoi street. Mainly ballet and opera sponsored by the Saigon government.

However, that narrow space could not meet the increasing entertainment needs of the French, so the French government decided to build an Opera House. However, the cost for this has not been obtained from the government, so the French government in Saigon built a temporary theater on a plot of land on Catinat Street (the location of the Caravelle hotel later).

Although the Opera House was built to serve the French, it was not supported by the French in Saigon. Moreover, there are many objections because the theater is small (less than 600 seats) but the cost is too big. However, the project was still implemented because Mayor Paul Blanchy said that a big city like Saigon must have a big theater for cultural activities, worthy of the status of a central city in the South.

Saigon Opera House in the past (Source:

In 1889, when there was enough budget, the new Theater started construction. The theater was inaugurated in 1900 and is known as the "Western Theater". The first building built by the French in Saigon. By 1907, the theater had gained prestige and troupes from France often signed contracts with the Saigon Doctrinal Palace. Therefore, each year, the theater only performs about 6 months in the dry season.

In 1918, the government allowed the Opera House to open to the public. It was the first time the Vietnamese held a performance at the Theater with the performance of the “cai luong” drama. However, these programs all failed and brought emptiness.

After 1954, the theater was converted into the National Assembly and then the House of Representatives of the Republic of Vietnam regime. During the period 1955-1975, the city opera house only did political work. The theater was also changed to suit new functions. The small pattern motifs continue to be destroyed. The architecture creates square lines to match the position of a political meeting headquarters.

Political workplace from 1955-1975 period (Source:

After 1975, the Saigon government collapsed, the theater was returned to its original function as an art performance organization and also changed its name to the City Theater until now.

In 1998, when the restoration of the theater was completed, political meetings were no longer held here. At this time, the two stone goddess statues in front of the theater have been restored, returning the theater space to the right performance art function, not suitable for political purposes anymore.

Architecture full of artistic meaning

It is a unique architectural work of Saigon, bearing the Gothic style prevalent in France at the end of the 19th century. It was designed by a group of French architects including Félix Olivier, Eugène Ferret and Ernest Guichard. With a skillful combination of western architecture and sculpture. In which sculptural decoration is the main thing, from the outside to the interior are covered with many reliefs and floating ideas.

The main decorative motifs and construction materials are ordered to be produced and shipped from France. With many reliefs with patterns and textures, along with two statues of goddesses in front of the Renaissance style entrance, highlight the ancient beauty of the city opera house.

The interior of the theater is fully equipped with sound and light systems. In addition to the ground floor, there are 2 floors, so the capacity of the theater is up to 1800 seats. The system of arched doorways with raised railings is designed with bold classical French architecture at that time, this is definitely the detail that makes the Opera House more luxurious in the eyes of tourists.

The capacity of  Saigon Opera House (Source:

The Saigon Opera House has features of the architectural style of the Second Empire. It was a period with many European historical styles, including Baroque. The Art Nouveau fresco remains intact on the dome. When we examine the paintings at the theater, we can see a remarkable similarity with the four seasons. He was a representative painter of the Art Nouveau school with a far-reaching influence on many later decorative artists. Perhaps in the process of choosing a decoration project for the City Theater, the artists directly referenced Mucha's compositions and adapted this painting. The five cores in the dome are France and the four seasons: Printemps- Spring, Été- Summer, Automne- Autumn and Hiver- Winter.

France is the image of a woman representing the spirit of France popular in French art in the mid-19th century and early 20th century. Hiver is the coldness of winter represented by the coat that Dong wears. people, it is also a symbol of the ability to revive. Automne is the Thu who wears a big white button on her head, it symbolizes the maturity stage in the life cycle. Printemps is a spring girl who wears a white wreath on her head, symbolizing innocence, beginnings and vitality.

Saigon Opera House at night (Taken by: Sue Soo)

Saigon Opera House with its magnificent beauty in the city center has acted as the symbol of the city. The Saigon Opera House is a stage performing many types of traditional and classical performances such as concerts, ballet, opera, drama and Vietnamese traditional dance. It will be a huge omission for those who come without visiting this beautiful theater.

Every moment here is filled with emotions. The Saigon Opera House is like a magnificent paradise depicting artistic dreams. This is a gathering place for dreams and a place to give wings to artistic dreams. The Saigon Opera House is a historical, cultural and artistic architectural work that Saigon people are extremely proud of. You will definitely have a very meaningful time learning about Vietnamese architecture and culture. And surely this place will make you love Vietnam a lot more.

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