Expats in Ho Chi Minh City

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The Mystery of Moving Date

This content is provided by Asian Tigers

When you decided to move, the first thing to do is to pick a date. However, selecting a good date to move is not something simple nor random but requires tactics. Chinese have their tradltlonal wisdom. They love to check the Chlnese almanac to see whether thelr favored date is auspicious for movlng. They believe that movlng on a good date can ensure a smooth and fortunate move without any accidents. If the Chlnese almanac shows movlng is inausplclous on a particular date, the Chlnese WIII tend to avoid that date and pick another one. It is possibly the reason why our operation schedule is fully occupied on some dates In a month.

Some people rely on the Chlnese almanac whlle some people concern convenlence. Most of them need to work on weekdays, weekend, therefore, becomes a popular choice for them. However, movlng at the weekend may not be a good cholce. You may need to pay an addltlonal cost when asklng to move on the weekend slnce some movlng companles do not recognize Sunday as a worklng day and have Sunday surcharge.

Besides, some management offices do not accept applications for moving In thelr bulldlngs on weekends or publlc holldays as they may concern causlng inconvenience to the neighbors. They may impose some Iimltatlons on weekends or publlc holldays for movlng requests. To avoid the addltlonal cost and restrlctlons, you may conslder movlng on weekdays. Some people may want to move immediately, yet, It may not be possible. People are recommended to communicate the arrangement with the customer service team as soon as you can to ensure the reservation of a particular date.