Expats in Ho Chi Minh City

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Plingpay - the payment bridge to the world!

Plingpay as a technology project started in 2016. Combining the potential of the new technologies for really efficient verification of payments globally with deeper professional knowledge of banking, payment systems and clearing procedures, the founders of Bit4M Payments set out to build something entirely new. Something that would cut the costs, hidden or not, to a fraction of the costs of any competing solution based on the older systems, deliver at the time of a domestic transaction, and yet be smooth and easy to understand and use.

Something built not for the banks or big companies, but for ordinary people who are tired of loosing so much of their hard earned money on the way whether it is called a fee or an exchange rate or something else.

Already tested with excellent results by a small select number of users for over a year, awarded with a Seal of Excellence from the EU commission for its potential to really provide change and having joined forces with IMT Money Express, with more then 30 years experience of the remittance business, Plingpay is finally ready to take off!